Shinjuku Heiwa Japanese (SHJ) Language School is in the popular foreign student town 'Okubo' Shinjuku, with experienced and unique teachers (Opening in April 2010). We provide preparatory courses to go on to study at well-known universities and professional schools and also offer you general language education, such as Japanese culture and business manner.
You need to be very patient to achieve something in languages. Sometimes it seems to be off the path or might look worthless,but if you are interested in it, I want you to stick to your goal. ' If there is a will, there is a way.' Don't you want to broaden your horizons and enjoy your life and studying? If you can do it, you will be able to improve yourself and see more things.
Principal, SHJ Language School
“I like the lessons very much. The teachers make the points simple and easy to understand for us.”
“The small class makes the environment of study better. I think you can improve you Japanese fast.”