You can learn Japanese online using ZOOM, anytime, anywhere as long as you have a device such as a computer or mobile phone and an internet connection. Even if you don't have a Japanese school nearby or can't allocate time for in-person classes, you can easily learn Japanese. The reason you might say, "I have knowledge of Japanese, but I can't speak it," is because there is a lack of actual speaking practice. At SHJ, all lessons are conducted one-on-one, encouraging learners to speak spontaneously. This results in a significantly higher amount of speaking practice compared to group classes.
ZOOMを使用し、オンラインで日本語の学習ができます。パソコンや携帯電話などのデバイスとインターネットがあれば、いつでもどこでも受講可能です。近くに日本語学校がない、学校に通う時間ない、といった方でも気軽に日本語を学習することができます。 「日本語についての知識はあるのに話せない」、それは日本語で話す絶対量が不足しているからです。SHJの、全て1on1レッスン。学習者の自発的な発話を促しながら、学習を進めていきますので、集合型のクラスレッスンとは、発話量が断然違います。
Our 3-story building has classrooms, a study room...
We offer you concrete and effective counseling with...
We offer studying materials in smartphone and computer...
We provide these services to support international...
We are formally approved by the Ministry of Justice...
We offer a dormitory which is located only one station...